Sande Bygg & Innredning AS:
Radiation shielding on Unilabs Farmanstredet in Tønsberg with Breda Bygg AS, Restauration / reinforcing timber framing on Union Scene in Drammen, Hired by Bico regarding refurbishing of interior in Peppes Pizza on Grønland i Oslo, Outdoor Bath (10-12pers), Base for exhibition of model train in Drammen railroad station, Outside wall framing on 2 of 3 buildings in "Bueslaget" in Drammen, Adapted sales counter in Opus resturant in Ski citymall, Projector table in medium large private cinema in Oslo city, involved in several building and furniture projects in Drammen, Oslo and surrounding areas. Fredrik Mikkelsen Bygg AS: Contributed to making complete kitchen furniture solutions, Constructing 2 element cabins including ground work, Carvings of 20" timber logs framing with chain saw as well as constructing the complete timber frame cabin. E.M. Tre-utvikling DA: Owned a small company with a friend and had different assignments in cooperation with Mesta AS and Sande Bygg & Innredning AS. Also imported some wood carvings from Poland and sold them and self produce on different "friluft" (hunting / fishing etc.) trade fairs around east Norway. Carpenter